Callistus Ike
Our lives, finances and general well-being are not subject to the systems of this world. Whenever the systems of this world confronts us, our FAITH overcomes it in victory,
For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.1Jn 5:4.
We lay hold on God’s blessings by Faith system NOT according to the financial system of this world. Oh, I know what you’re thinking of. You’re doing very well in the secular system! Wonderful, need I remind you that: You are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation(soteria) ……..1Peter 1:5
There’s a GOD SYSTEM working in this world that’s superior to the systems of this very world. This divine system is based on GRACE and FAITH, Grace being the sum total of all that Jesus has accomplished for us through His Life, death and resurrection and Faith being the tool/means whereby we actively appropriate what grace has already provided for us. We are called to live by GOD’S SYSTEM. Other natural systems are subservient (useful in an inferior capacity) to this system.
When a miracle is NOT declared, it’s presence becomes illegal on this Earth!
You better realize that and hook up strongly to this supernatural system.
GOD SYSTEM is the dimension where money is found in the mouth of fishes, where Rocks brings out Rivers of clean waters, where waters are turned to wine, where axes floats on waters, where a boy’s launch feeds thousands of hungry folks, where Words travel faster than space and time (i.e) where Jesus speaks from Jerusalem and it’s accomplished in Capernaum. It’s the dimension of defiling the laws of physics by Jesus and Peter walking on waters, calling those things that be not as though they are, giving life to the dead and turning a Cruse of oil into an oil Depot!
We have so trained ourselves on the SYSTEMS of this world that it has become so imperative that we need a NEW EDUCATION, A SPIRITUAL EDUCATION based on FAITH IN THE LIVING WORD OF GOD! Let’s LEARN AND MASTER how to operate GOD’S SYSTEM, FAITH BASED LIVING. Faith based living is NOT an invitation to docility and laziness in the affairs of life but an invitation to supernatural living! It’s superimposing divinity on our earthly walk!
Legacies of Faith Life!
Peter said: If it be you Lord bid me come. Can we hear Jesus saying: COME!!! Let’s step out of our comfort-boat and do what the natural man cannot do.
Sometimes, it may look and sound foolish 1Cor 1:25-29.
It looked foolish when Jesus stood and spoke to the Fig tree BUT the results were so glaring! Faith works!
It looked foolish when Jesus rebuked the mourners at the house of Jairus for crying over the dead damsel, more so when He said of the dead damsel that she sleeps. Well; they laughed Him to scorn but their unbelief couldn’t stop the faith of God in operation. I guess you know who had the last laugh when Life (Zoe) swallowed up death. The result of Faith!
It looked quite preposterous When Jesus sent out two disciples to go fetch a donkey from a village with the command: loose and bring it here and if any man ask, tell them the master has need of it BUT the word sent forth did not return empty! It was the donkey that Jesus rode into Jerusalem with pomp and peagantry with people shouting: Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD! The result of Faith!
It goes against sound reasoning for Jesus to have sent a blind man to go to the river Siloam and wash and come again seeing. Well, the man parked his reasoning one side, felt his way to the river, washed and came seeing! The result of Faith!
Why would Jesus ask a man with a withered hand to stretch out his hand? How do you expect the man to do just that since the hand was declared withered, BUT the man obeyed and walked away completely whole. The result of Faith!
We need a new education, FAITH EDUCATION!!!