I have three dates in my spiritual life that define me now. I was born on August 1st, 1968. I was born again on January 18, 1977, and I accepted the call to be a writer on July 14, 2007. I married my wife Glenda on February 11, 1989 and since then God has given us four daughters. Jordan, Regan, Morgan and Lauran. At this time we have two son in laws, Brandon who is married to Jordan and Duel who is married to Morgan. Brandon and Jordan have two children, Bailen and Mathis while Morgan and Duel also have two children, Nathan and Sarah.
For thirteen years of my life, I sang gospel music all around the country with my Father Bob, my brother Darby and my sister Jessica.
I have also served as music minister at several churches and am currently serving as a Deacon at Meadville Baptist church.
Glenda and I have our own specialty company as well as a public relations company.
I have only lived in two houses that are within five hundred yards of each other for fifty one of my fifty two years.