Stewart Mba
Some people are thermometric in nature while there are also some people who are thermostatic in nature.
Now, a thermometer is a medical device for determining temperature, while thermostat is an automatic device for regulating or controlling temperature. Thus, in functional and practical terms a thermometer instrument is used to detect or identify or become aware of a problem while a thermostat device detects a problem and as well bring it under control. These two devices symbolize human attribute as it relates to problem situation because we actually have people whose intent is like that of a thermometer instrument, and people whose intent is as well like that of a thermostat.
The former are thermometric in nature because all they’re known for is their ability to always bring to notice the existence of evil, danger, calamity, etc. without any intent to proffer solution. Whilst the latter are thermostatic because they do not only detect problems they also bring such problems under control or subjection.
Truly, the will or the desire of God is not for His children to be merely thermometric in nature when it comes to a problem situation; His will is for us to be rather thermostatic in nature when it comes to problem situations, indeed.
Of course we can’t be thermostatic without first being thermometric, to mean that we are by God expected to be aware or conscious of the anomalies in and around us, but that we must go beyond that to bringing the same under control.
God never intends that we should just be aware of problems without the ability to overcome them. He actually reveals or makes them known to us so that we can confront and resolve them. The fact that the awareness aspect differs from the solution aspect in terms of the capacity of faith, wisdom and grace that are required for the latter never means that we are only confined to the former. This was what aggravated the heart of Jesus when He emphatically rebuked His disciples for identifying the storm without bringing the same to a state of control or calm; they were merely thermometric and not thermostatic.
The truth is that many believers seem to misunderstand why God allows or permits us to be aware of life’s anomalies in whatever manner or gravity.
Believers must understand that we are supernaturally thermostatic in nature, such that we must never be overtaken or overwhelmed by our knowledge of any problem or attack, etc. But rather see it a step toward victory.
Management initiative asserts that a problem identified is a problem half solved or even solved completely depending on the management acumen in place.
Again, let’s understand that problem is meant to be solved; surely there is an end to every thing (problem).
I leave you with this words of inspiration from Philippians 1:28 which affirms, thus: “And in nothing terrified by your adversaries which is to them an evident token of perdition, but of your salvation, and that from God.”
Prof. Stewart MBA, Pastor