Reflections of a Believer
Today, before church, I went to visit my mom
In the hospital. Driving up was a breeze. Finding her, not so much. First, I was in the wrong parking garage. Then, on the wrong floor of the hospital. By the time I made it to her room, I was flustered.
See, I genuinely do not understand directions. If you tell me a cardinal direction, I register it as if you were speaking a foreign language. It does not make sense to me at all. The directions I understand look more like, turn right at the big red barn. You know, the one with a cow painted on it. This, I understand. Anything else, I usually use a lifeline.
In fact, many great men in my life have received a distress call from me begging for help. My poor dad has taken the brunt of these calls, many times, with a sobbing daughter on the other end. Each time, he gives me directions I can understand.
Directions like, “ You should see a gas station on the left. Go past it. At the second stoplight, you’ll see a brick building; turn right.”
In my moment of frustration tonight, I realized something. Each person I call on for directions knows my lack of directional sense, and they meet me where I am. In my moment of despair, they do not chastise me. They show me the way.
Just like these amazing men, we have a loving Father who will do the same thing for us spiritually. The Bible tells us, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” Psalms 32:8 NIV
As humans, we tend to stray from the path from time to time. We get lost on the road of life and need Jesus to direct us back to His path for us. The amazing truth is, Jesus has given us not only directions for a specific problem but a whole roadmap for life. One that never changes or goes out of date; it is the divinely inspired Word of God, better known as the Bible. And, when we need direction, Jesus is there to give it to us.
See, just like the men in my life who help me when I am lost, Jesus is always there to help us. No matter how big or small the problem we are facing is, no matter how far we have strayed from the path, He is always there to give us the directions back to our best life. In fact, He will meet us where we are and show us how to get back to a genuine relationship with the Father.
So today, I ask, are you asking Jesus for directions? Or are you aimlessly wandering through life? I pray you choose to allow Jesus to direct your path. The blessings contained within His plan are amazing.
We come to you today and ask that you guide our path. We pray you show us how to live our lives so that we glorify you in every decision we make. We pray if any of us have strayed, you show us how to get back onto the path You have for us. Amen.
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