Monique M. Keller
A recent report states that Mount Everest is 0.86 meters higher than what the infamous mountain used to be, now 8848.86 meters above sea level. Tectonic plate movement can cause a mountain to lift where earthquakes can decrease the height. An example of Mount Everest’s height change occurred since 1784, where a steady height increases occurred. An earthquake in 1934 wiped out the cumulative increase in a few moments.
Similarly, years of businesses building can be wiped out by one pandemic. Let us see it as a natural change such as with Mount Everest. At times we experience the heights of our dream, goal and ambitions for our families. At other times we experience the lows.
“For the Lord is the Great God,
And the great King above all gods.
In His hand are the deep places of the earth;
The heights of the hills are also His own.”
Psalm 95:3-4
Let’s not see the lows as punishment. May you experience increasingly more height gains, just as Mount Everest because the great King holds the heights and the lows.
With love always,
Author of Teacher on the Mount