Want to be successful in starting a business? Then you study what people have learned and everything that people have learned, they’ve written down or shared in seminars or put onto audio programs. I learned this from a very wise man named Copmeyer who spent more than 50 years studying success and he had developed more than 1000 success principles that he had derived out of something like 6 000 books, and when I met him, I asked him the question you would ask of all these thousand principles because I had studied it all which is the most important principle of all and he said Brian. He said it’s simple, he said use proven success methods, he said learn from the experts, he said Brian you’ll never live long enough to learn it all for yourself.
So what I find is that, successful people are those who learn from others who’ve gone before them. Unsuccessful people try to make it all up like a cook going into the kitchen, taking ingredients out of the cupboards throwing them all in a bowl and wondering why it doesn’t taste good. This is why people sales careers by.
Eighty percent of sales people are functioning well below their potential, only twenty percent make all the money by twenty percent of businesses in any industry make all the profits while twenty percent of the professionals in any service make eighty percent of the money and so on.
It’s because they follow proven success principles, proven recipes, proven formulas, proven combinations and they just do them over and over again until they master them, then they can do more and more of them faster and faster easier and easier at a higher level of quality and all that translates into greater results.
There’s a process which has made more people rich than any other single process of goals achieving and it’s to take your major goal and structure it as a question if your goal is to earn 100 000 a year then you write how can I earn 100 000 in the next 12 months that’s an open-ended question, not how can I earn it at my job or doing a specific thing. Just an open-ended question how can I earn the amount of money and then you discipline yourself to write 20 answers to the question and the 20 answers are all the different things that you could think of to earn a hundred thousand dollars. Work longer, work harder, upgrade my skills, get a new job, take a part-time opportunity, whatever it happens to be write down, everything you could think of, but force yourself to write at least 20 questions or 20 answers to the question.
The 20 question method called mind storming forces you to dig deep into your mind where you will find all your answers and it may be call a person to read a book. Let me give you an example, we had a young fellow entrepreneur, he got 35 years old, he built a successful business, he worked
about 10 years to do it and he for two years wanted to sell his business so he could take a year off and travel enjoy his money and so for two years he just sort of floundered around like a fish on the
dock wanting to sell his business, nobody offered to buy it, he suggested it to people, people were not interested and so on and in this exercise that they put him through his 20th answer and often it’s the 20th answer that is the breakthrough was buy a book on how to sell your own business and it just went off like a flashbulb in his mind at the break he got up as a downtown hotel, got up, went down to the street to a major bookstore, went and found, he was amazed at the number of books had been written on how to buy and sell a business, so he bought two or three books.
Two months, later he had restructured, packaged his business, sold it, completely satisfactorily and took a year off he said but just a single idea it was a breakthrough idea but it was so simple just get a book on the subject and you think boy that’s pretty obvious. Yes, but it’s the most obvious answers that we overlook good question what age should one give up on their dream, never is gutto said this.
Henry Ford said this, Rockefeller said this, you’re only as young or as old as your dreams and as long as you still have dreams and visions and goals, they keep you young. It’s the most amazing darn thing one of the great stories is the story of Kentucky fried chicken. Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Harlan, and Harlan was taught by his mother a special recipe down south in the united states on how to make chicken. When he grew up, he got a job as a short order cook in a small cafe and he asked his boss if his boss would be interested in this chicken recipe and his boss said sure, throw it together, see what the people say, turned out that everybody liked this special chicken recipe with all these secret herbs and spices.
Well, for the rest of his career right up till he was 65 years old, he either worked in little cafes or sometimes he owned a little cafe when he was 65, he had a little cafe and he was making his chicken and he had people coming from all around to eat his chicken and the highways department built a highway past his little restaurant, his little chicken place and put him out of business but cut off the road so nobody could get to it about the same time he received a social security, check his first social security, check the age of 65 and he became angry, he said I’m 65 years old but I’m not ready to give up on my dreams, what do I have to sell and he realized the one thing that had kept him going all those years the mainstay of his little career was his mother’s recipe of 17 or 18 herbs and spices. So, he put them together in little bags, one bag per chicken and he put his pots and pans in the back of his old car and he started driving up and down the eastern seaboard going from cafe to cafe to cafe to ask them if they would pay him five cents a bag for his magical combination of herbs and spices, he called on more than one thousand restaurants, sleeping in his car week after week and finally he came across a little restaurant in Toronto that agreed to pay him five cents a bag for his herbs and spices back in the 60s and because of exchange controls they had to give the money to the red cross that was the beginning of the Kentucky fried chicken empire, we began to sell this recipe more and more, people began to put it on their signs, a major corporation came along and said we could make a real business of this so they embraced him, they built the franchise, they made him one of the best known people in the world.
When he died some years later, he was worth more than 50 million dollars because he never gave up on his dreams. So, I don’t know if you’re 65 and broke and living in your car with pots and pans with no money but wherever you are you never give up on your dreams.
Key #1: Learn From Experts
Key#2 : Structure Your Goals as Questions
Key#3: Never Give Up on your Dreams
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