Ingrid Simmonds
In Luke 17:11-19, ten men who had leprosy met Jesus. They stood at a distance and yelled loudly “have pity on us and heal us.” When Jesus saw them, He said “go “, show yourselves to the priest” and as they went, they were healed. One of them who was healed came back praising God in a loud voice and then he threw himself at Jesus feet and thanked him. Did the other 9, who did not come back, receive healing with an ungrateful spirit? Were they unthankful? What was their focus?
Thanks is not just about telling God “thanks”. It is remembering what God has done, telling others what He has done, praising Him and, then, thanking Him.
Thanks is expressing gratitude for the things God has done for you and provided for you. Thanksgiving focuses on our blessings from Him.
Praise is admiring God for who He is. Praise focuses on God and gives us a heart of gratitude.
The other 9 men obviously believed and had faith because they obeyed what Jesus asked them to do. But when they did not return, did their actions say they obeyed because they were focused on the healing? The single leper, who returned as a healed man, had a heart of praise and gratitude. His eyes were on the healer and not the healing.
Do we cry out to God for answers and we receive answers because we had faith? Do we forget it’s not about the answer but about the One who gives us the answer?
For who He was, is and will always be, we must keep our eyes on Him.
Jesus healed all 10 lepers but only the one returned to praise Him and thank Him. Is it possible to receive God‘s blessings with an ungrateful heart? Do we remember to praise and thank Him?
God does not expect thanks but those who thank Him learn grace and gratefulness. Thankful people can worship wholeheartedly. Praise and gratitude opens our hearts to God. What are you thankful for this year? Have you remembered to praise Him and thank Him? As believers, Thanksgiving is not the only day for thankfulness but each and every day of our lives is one we should be thankful and grateful for! If you woke up alive this morning, you have a reason to be thankful and grateful and to praise Him.
“And whatever you do…give thanks to God the Father.” Col. 3:17
“ Always give thanks to the God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Eph. 5:20
“Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord IS good and HIS love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through ALL generations.” Psalm 100:4-5
Photo credit: St. James Catholic Church