What is HopeLify? And why should I care?
HopeLify Media is all about Christian hope. This is a free, user-generated, Christian platform with lots of relevant Christian posts and articles to help leaders, professionals, and marketplace laypersons excel in life and ministry. Hopeful, Christian, and motivational. That’s it. No politics, no controversies, no drama. There are three ways for you to participate: 1. sign up to receive top articles and videos covering every area of life (from faith to business); 2. become a contributor and write Christian articles that will change lives all over the world; 3. re-share posts with friends and family, a good way to spread the good news. It is free to post, read, or re-share. Sharing the Good News is that important…
Is it really free to use HopeLify?
Yes, it is totally free to register, write or read content on HopeLify
Submission: How to Submit a Guest Post or Become a writer?
Submitting a guest post or even becoming a trusted contributing writer is easy enough – simply click on the “Register” link and fill out a short form. We will review your application and send you further instructions by email. Be sure to check your inbox (including ‘spam’ or ‘Promotions’ box) for email from HopeLify.org, follow the instructions to activate your account.
How do I edit my account and improve my profile?
Go to My Account at the top, right next to the social media icons. And provide complete details to help your readers learn about you and be able to follow your postings.

How do I post Content?
Log in to your HopeLify account, and click on “Start writing” or “Add a Post,” and post away.

Can I edit my post after it has published?
Yes! In fact, we encourage you to review and edit the post after it has published, with our rich word editor that gives you more options to format and beautify your post.
- From My Account, click on My Post on the left side.

2. When you click on My Posts, it brings up a list of your posts/submission. To edit any post, just bring your cursor close the “Published” info, and you will see the “Edit” button. Click on that and edit away.

3. Edit your post with the rich text editor – format, subheading, hyperlink etc.

Can I delete my post?
The short answer is yes, but to prevent abuse, you will have to email admin at info at hopelify.org, and the admin will remove the post. No questions asked.
How long should the post be?
There is no fixed length. The goal is to provide enough content to teach, inform, or inspire your audience. Typically, a minimum of 300-word post is about the norm. If you are submitting a press release, the average length is about 500 words. And it can certainly be as long as you want. Full-length eBooks are also allowed.
Why Should I write on HopeLify when I have my own blog?
As many of you may have noticed, there is only so much reach and influence you could have through your personal or church blog alone. But when you come together and synergize with other Christians and writers through HopeLify, it drastically amplifies your reach and influence, to the glory of God. HopeLify, as a syndication platform, complements your personal blog and brand. It’s like selling on Amazon with its huge traffic, in addition to your personal website. Think about that.
I am new to this and wonder if I have something meaningful to share with others. What do you think?
You certainly have something meaningful to share with the world. Your Christian voice needs to be heard. The journal entries buried away in your archives have the capacity to transform lives. Those inspirational pieces you have penned down could make a huge difference in some peoples’ lives. The insights you have gleaned from the Bible over these years could deepen the faith of many people in Christ. This is the year and time to start sharing them and become a messenger of hope to millions across the globe. You just never know who gets impacted by your sharing.
I have my own social media accounts. Why do I need a platform like HopeLify for sharing my content?
Remember the good old days when it was easy to reach lots of people through social media? Well, no more. Social media platforms have changed their algorithms and have limited your capacity to reach people beyond your small circle of friends. To reach more people on social media now, you simply must spend a lot of money on promoting your content – exactly why the exposure was limited in the first place! At HopeLify.org, you will never have this limitation. Your writings will receive the widest circulation, way beyond your circle of friends. After the pains of 2020, people all over the world are hungry for hopeful, motivational messages – the kind that God has given to you. Share it. Now. It’s about time to find creative ways to promote your writing, messaging or brand to a larger audience. And we are here to help each other.
I have registered and started blogging on a regular basis. Now what?
• Share your article using social media, WhatsApp or email buttons, so your friends will know about it.
• Follow HopeLify page on social media platforms, so that you may receive fresh inspirational content daily: Facebook. Twitter. Instagram. LinkedIn. We broadcast your articles to nations of the world on the web and on social media.
• Write 3-4 articles every single week. That’s about the number of articles it takes for readers to begin to recognize your voice. Consistency and regularity are the two open secrets of successful writers. Keep it fresh, insightful, and original.
• Invite a friend. And thank you.
Luke 2 51-51 The Lost Years of Jesus’ Youth – Forged in Fire
Luke 2 51-52 The Lost Years Part 1: The Town in Which Jesus Grew Up Luke 2 51-52 The Lost…
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