Jim Valekis
Luke 2 27- 32 The Intersection of God’s World and Man’s
Did he realize what he was holding in his arms?
The Holy Spirit had been “on” Simeon. He was pious and devout. And God rewarded that piety and devoutness by giving him the greatest of blessings—to see the Lord’s Messiah, and to hold him.
But the irony of it all is that he was actually holding the one who was not only holding him, but all being in His own being.
The “God Receiver,” as some call Simeon, had already been “received” (and conceived, brought into being) by the One he was holding.
Our God is an awesome God.
And in Christ, he became even more awesome.
Jim Valekis is the author of “The Christian in the Cult.” You can learn more at his website, smilingicon.com.