Jim Valekis
Luke 2:22-24
Jesus was “presented” to the Lord 40 days after His birth.
And that doesn’t simply mean He was brought to the priest to be blessed or just to be “observed” by the Lord. The Greek word “paraistemi” implies something far greater. He in effect was “reporting to duty.” He was being brought by His parents before the Lord as a servant who was to “stand beside” the Lord all the days of His life. To be in His attendance. To report to the Lord for duty.
What a cool concept.
We often take our kids to church just hoping they’ll do things entertaining enough so they’ll like it. They brought their babies fresh from birth to report to God’s service.
And doing that doesn’t just have to be for newborn babies either.
Every Christmas, we can be spiritually born anew with Jesus.
And since we’ve been “reset” and “rebooted” in Jesus this Christmas, we can “re” present ourselves to the Lord for 2025—and be available to Him for whatever duty He has in store in the New Year.
What a marvelous thing to live for!  We can live for something vitally important. We can live for the service of the God who created all. And we can start that over again, anew every Christmas, and every New Year. That might be something to think about this coming out of the holiday season.
Happy New Year’s “Re-Presentation!”
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