Laura M Quinn
by Laura M. Quinn
They dig and burrow into every nook and thought
Even when I know you are with me and cover my mistakes
The thought of mistakes makes me cringe
And even worse when I make them
I play out over and over the undoing but it’s done
There is no undoing
And sometimes there is no immediate closure
But a deeper mistake is to keep mulling it over and over
Yet the mistake even arises in my dreams
I cannot stop
“My child stop!”
To dwell is the bigger mistake
But I’m trying
Yet how do I control my dreams?
I hate mistakes!
Give them to Me
I hear Him say
Trust that I cover your mistakes
Let the unfolding occur
There is no stopping
Just accept
Just forgive
Let me help you move on
To dwell is the bigger mistake
Dwell on truth
Though your sins are crimson red
I have washed you white as snow
On that truth focus
In me dwell
Not in your mistakes
But In me
Ok but help me do this
I am