When I was four years old, my mother was in the hospital for three months. I slept with my dad during those months. One night, I was trying to get to sleep but was restless and had the following vision.
White Robe and Slippers
I opened my eyes to see the bottom 3 or 4 inches of a white robe hanging from the bedroom ceiling. There were white slippers on the feet. The tips of the slippers had white soles that turned upward in front of the toes. It was more like a bound slipper.
I was scared and closed my eyes for a few seconds. When I opened them again the robe had descended a few more inches. I closed my eyes a second time and then opened them to find the robe and slippers had descended a little farther.
At that point, I woke my dad and asked him, “what is that hanging from the ceiling?” He said he didn’t see anything. He asked me what it looked like? In a four-year-olds vocabulary, I said, “it’s white, and the shoes have turn-ups on the end.
Sixty Years Later
He turned on the table lamp and asked me if I could still see it? I said, “no.” He shut the light off and asked again, “can you see it now?” I said, “no.” Sixty years later, as he was terminally ill, I asked him if he remembers that night. He did remember.
I don’t know the reason for the vision? Maybe it was my guardian angel wanting to tell me that mom was going to be OK? A few years ago, I researched ancient footwear and found that the Hittites commonly wore those slippers.
Dennis: United States