Hebrews 3:14
For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end;
This is a wonderful promise and proclamation that we are made partakers of Christ. The glorious hope made possible by Almighty God to reconcile His people unto Himself through His son Jesus Christ.
The partakers of Christ promise of being joint heirs with Christ.
The partakers of Christ promise of inheriting the kingdom of God.
The partakers of Christ promise of the meek shall inherit the earth.
The partakers of Christ promise of being kings and priests.
The partakers of Christ promise of the paradise of God.
The partakers of Christ promise to live in the new heaven and the new earth.
The partakers of Christ promise to enter the heavenly city, the new Jerusalem.
Thank the Lord Jesus for His great grace and mercy which He hath abundantly bestowed upon His people by His sacrifice on the cross and resurrection from the dead.
The first time a person sees light in the morning and their eyes adjust to the brightness and splendor of a beautiful sunrise over the oceans or landscapes which bless the heart and makes merry the soul. Oh, how the light of the glorious good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ the Lord of Glory rains down on a weary, lost, struggling, oftentimes knowingly having been deceived and left with nothing but shame and ruin within the inward man, but suddenly, could it even be possible in the midst of great despair and darkness for my sins and mistakes that the light is aimed right for me. Surely, I’m too lost and far gone for this lovingly piercing light to be calling my name. Surely, I’m not worthy to even be looked upon by one of the least of God’s servants, much less Jesus die for me so I could be part of His family and see good, and see true joy, and feel hope in something good. Surely, I don’t deserve this peace overwhelming my soul or the greatest love I’ve ever felt rushing over me. The purest, cleanest, holy, and Godly love which is what my soul has been longing for all of my life to sense my heavenly Father reaching out His all powerful loving arms to accept me by His grace and mercy. I was an enemy in my own mind because of wicked works. I rebelled against the one who really cares for me, not just in word, or in manipulation of reputation, but true sincere care for my soul to be saved from living the rest of my days to the lusts of men which shall pass away but to the will of God which is eternal life through Jesus Christ. Oh Lord please forgive me of all my sins that left me feeling useless and vain. Lord Let me serve you all the days of my life and walk in your ways.
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new (2 Corinthians 5:17).