Jim Valekis
John 21 Part 2 Human Hearts and Veneered Parts
So like I wrote in my earlier Bible study blog, I’m obsessing with the resurrection these 50 days after Easter until Pentecost. This week’s obsession led me to the reinstatement of Peter by Jesus in John 21.
Jesus had anticipated Peter’s failure at his trial. He knew that Satan was behind it. And Jesus prayed for Peter’s faith in God’s forgiveness to not fail.
Luke 22:31-32 King James Version
31 And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat:32 But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.
Notice carefully what Jesus says here. It doesn’t say “I have prayed for you to not enter this trial.” But it does say “I have prayed that your faith does not fail.” And I would submit that the faith he doesn’t want to fail here is the faith that Christ would forgive him no matter what —and that his role in ministry will still be there, waiting for him.
I believe that in this chapter Jesus gives Peter a “redo”— a chance to do right three times what he did wrong three times. And when Peter comes back to where he is supposed to be spiritually, Jesus simply says “Strengthen your brothers.” To me, it’s like he’s saying “They will fail, too. And I will give them redo’s too. So strengthen your brothers to know I am there, always ready to forgive.”