Oghomwen (Owen) Jones
In my last blog, titled ‘Grocery Shopping’ I laid the foundation for healthy meal planning. After we have planned our grocery shopping and returned home , we should hopefully have our pantry and fridge stocked with primarily nutrient dense foods. With these healthy foods in close proximity we would really have to go out of our way to eat unhealthy foods.
From these healthy foods purchased, we can plan our meals. I recommend three meals a day…breakfast, lunch and dinner. Two popular sayings that have helped me over the years to lose and maintain my weight are; ‘Variety is the spice of life’ and ‘Eat breakfast like a King, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.’
Let’s look at these sayings, starting with ‘Variety is the spice of life’. Our good God has blessed us with a wide variety of healthy foods. These can be plants or animals. From plants there are a ton of vegetables and fruits to choose and eat from. So also with animals, we can choose and eat from so many…fish, chicken, other birds, lamb, beef, etc. The key is to consume from these in moderation. With a wide variety, we are less likely to tire and get bored with our meals. This is crucial to not falling off the bandwagon with food cravings.
I practise a slight variation of the second saying. I eat breakfast like a Prince, lunch like a King and dinner like a Pauper. The key here is to ensure that you eat your bigger meals earlier in the day and eat light at dinner. It just is not a good idea to eat heavy at night, when you are unlikely to be very active, before bedtime. I honestly believe that this practice has been instrumental in helping me lose weight and keep it off, for 30 years.
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