Monique M. Keller
It is easy to spot a Gautenger – province in South Africa- in KwaZulu-Natal. The first place is the beach with flip-flops and copious amounts of SPF 50 sunscreen even in the windiest of days. More recently, since the beach restrictions, Gautengers can be spotted with fishing rods in hand. Fishing delights Paul, my husband and our children. With fishing permits in hand, we set off to a rocky beach.
On a day, I saw people harvesting mussels during low tide, and this fascinated me. How is it possible to go to the beach and pick food with bare hands and only a permit necessary to do so. Mind racing with questions ranging from how to harvest, how to prepare, how many, what sizes, will I be able to harvest this shellfish myself, cook it and taste it for the very first time?
Two days later, I venture into the rocky parts during low tide and harvested mussels. The thrill of picking food with my bare hands delighted me so, and the realisation struck home.
“He administers justice for the fatherless and the widow, and loves the stranger, giving him food and clothing.”
Deuteronomy 10:18
After thousands of years since the beginning of time, the earth still yields provision. Food and resource to be enjoyed, treasured and to be thankful for.
With love always,
Monique Keller
Author of Teacher on the Mount
Thanks Monique. This is such a wonderful reminder.