W. Kent Levis
During worship on a Sunday morning a few weeks ago, one of the songs spoke of God’s reckless love for us. Webster defines reckless as: “marked by a lack of proper concern, or careless of the consequences”. In other words, God really doesn’t take into account what anyone thinks about His Great love for us. Yes, it’s just a song, not the word of God, but I can’t imagine God even considering what anyone would think about His love for me.
Next step; If God loves me recklessly, shouldn’t my love for Him be reckless as well? So, when I worship, and I feel the Holy Spirit urge me to raise my hands, or to kneel, or even to dance, should I be concerned about what others think? David had the same dilemma in 2nd Samuel 6:14-16. David chose to dance and his wife “despised him in her heart”. He was making a fool of himself. David was reckless in his obedience to God. Do I have the same courage as David? Am I willing to be thought a fool, because I express my love for God with abandon? Not everyone, of course is called to be a fool for God, but if you are, do you have the courage to follow His leading? It’s getting easier for me as I get older,(and more foolish), and I am not as intimidated as I once was by what others think. If God calls me to be reckless, I pray that I have the guts to follow His leading.