R. Tyler Scott
Day Fifteen
The Greatest Servant to God’s Servant’s
John 13: 4-5,12-16
To say that Jesus was the greatest servant to God’s servants seems strange in many different ways, but there is undeniable proof in God’s word that Jesus was exactly that. This being the last day, we are only going to focus on Jesus physical act of serving. The other services he has given to his servants are numerous and can’t be covered in this study.
Jesus and the disciples were partaking of what would be the last supper. The gospel of Luke says that Jesus took wine and bread and gave it to the disciples to eat, but his greatest example of service was to come. After they were finished eating, Jesus got up from the table and got a towel and water and went to each of his disciples and washed their feet. Peter, as only he could do, gave some push back about Jesus fulfilling the role of a servant, but Jesus told him that If he didn’t allow him to wash his feet, then Peter had no part with him. After Jesus was finished washing each of the disciples feet, he redressed himself and sat down among them. He then said that they call him master and they were right to do this because that was what he was. If He as their master was willing to wash their feet, then they ought to be willing to wash each others feet as well. This would also illustrate to the disciples their job of serving the world to reach them for Christ. He affirmed this by saying the servant is not greater than his Lord and neither is he that is sent greater than he that sent him. If you know these things, happy are you if you do them.
Of course this act of servant hood was prior to the greatest act of service ever, and that was Jesus giving himself up to die on a cross and become the last and greatest sacrifice ever. Jesus served everyone who believes in him with his death on the cross and his resurrection. Though we may be required to give our lives for someone else, the odds of that happening are not very big. However, the odds that within the hour or within this day, everyone that is a Christian will have the opportunity to serve someone and very possibly it could be another Christian are very great. He or She may be struggling in their walk, or their finances, or their faith or countless other ways. Even if they need their feet washed either physically or spiritually, we should be willing to do it because of the example Jesus set in his word. He did not wash the feet of the disciples just for them, but for everyone who ever heard or read the account. We as Christians are to be willing to do whatever we can to serve others because if Jesus, who was and is the King of Kings was willing to take on the mantle of a servant, who are we to do anything different. He expects us to live by his example to the best of out abilities.
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I find it easier to just make a phone call or write a check and let someone else do the the ground work like foot washing or whatever is required. But that is not what God expects out of me. He did so much for me when he gave his life for me, how can I as his servant do anything different. Sometimes we may be needed to only write the check. Everyone needs money and giving is a great way of servanthood. But most of the time we are required to get out their and put on a towel and sometimes figuratively, sometimes not, wash peoples feet.
Since this study has been about serving God’s servants, I would like to challenge everyone reading this to make a common effort to aid and assist people who are trying to serve the Lord. Not always pastors, though they need service as much as anyone, but all those who are struggling to serve God in whatever capacity he has called them to do. The key to any act of service is being sensitive to the holy spirit in how to serve. All the examples we have seen in this study all had one thing in common, they listened to the holy spirit and did what it said to do. There may have been some questions and maybe even some doubt, but everyone of them did their service and not only were the people they served blessed, but I know they were blessed also because God doesn’t allow us to serve him without reward. It may not have been on this world, but every service for the Lord is blessed and rewarded. We just have to remember that we don’t serve God so that we can get a blessing. We serve God because he has already blessed us more than we deserve.