Reflections of a Believer
Most Wonderful Time of the Year
For weeks now, many of us have been inundated with Christmas. It is everywhere you turn, songs, movies, decorations all happily projecting the quentisental idea that Christmas is, in fact, the most wonderful time of the year.
Yet, many of us do not feel as if this is the most wonderful time of the year. We run from place to place to buy, buy, buy, all the while feeling overwhelmed and stressed out.
I can’t help but wonder, have we in our commercialized society lost the true meaning of Christmas?
Everyone is so concerned with having the perfect gift that they forget to make personal connections with those they love. See, these connections, these memories, will be what people remember long after the gifts hit the landfill.
Lately, I personally have been feeling convicted. I have been so busy trying to juggle my responsibilities and organize Christmas that instead of feeling joy this holiday, I have felt disconnected.
Then just this morning, I realized, the celebration of our Savior’s birth should not depend on the right presents, the right food, or even the right people. It should simply be a celebration of His willingness to leave heaven (John 6:38), lying in a food trough (Luke 2:7), enduring the pains and temptations of this world (Hebrew 4:15), and being subject to death on a cross (Matthew 27).
He should be our focus!
So, today, as each one of us faces our own Christmas realities, let’s remember the true meaning of this day. It is a day to celebrate our Savior’s birth, not a day to look for our worldy idea of perfection. Then it will truly be the most wonderful time of the year!
Thank you for Your willingness to send Your Son to this earth. Help us celebrate His birth and forget the pains of this world. Give us the clarity to realize this day is about You and Your Son, not the things of this world. In addition, we pray for all those hurting for one reason or another today. Bring them peace and comfort only You can provide. Amen
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