Monika Lumsdaine
Two books I had included in a Kharis “bundle” have been a special blessing to me: (1) Sonnets for the Soul (31 inspiring sonnets for daily Christia living) and (2) The Book of Easy Answrs (for the questions you wish you didn’t have to ask). I have sent one of them to someone for whom I care deeply, for encouragement. I will read these two again, once I’m done reading the rest that were in my bundle. What I especially appreciated about these two is that they have short chapters (or poems) that invite meditation, even or especially during these busy and troubled times. Another small blessing we are enjoying: I found micro LED lights for our 2-ft Christmas tree which was my sister’s who went home to the heavenly mansion in 2020, shortly after she gave her life to Jesus Christ our Lord. So this is another item of praise.
Monika Lumsdaine