We live in a time whereby people want so much out of so little, putting in effort time and energy to ensure a great outcome. Thus a great level of action is necessitated to constantly maximise precious moments. Yes, we are nothing less than ambitious, goal driven and serious about making it big in life; and rightfully so. Many do not have any qualms about that. Whether or not the prize in mind is realistic or attainable is another controversial debate that only the individual can truly answer.
The distance between where we are and where we want to be is undeniably long and filled with barriers, obstacles and impenetrable walls. The walls represent a force that stands in the way of us advancing into our land of milk and honey. These walls maybe invisible but they are most certainly deep, thick and dark in most of our circumstances. It is for such reasons that it feels like life is unbearable, dreams seem impossible and joy drenched like a song in the night. A song with a fading sound that takes a piece of you away with every second.
It is on this note I wish remind you fellow reader that walls do break, giants do fall and wherever you come from, time is witness that the impossible is certainly possible. The force that threatens to take you under is only as powerful as you make it to be. If you would only believe then all things are possible. I don’t intend to negate the presence of challenges and insurmountable problems, but the greatest success stories all record the eminent obstacles that were overcome on the journey to the other side.
The nature of these walls are vastly different but the ones are I wish to emphasise are those we are responsible for manufacturing. At times in life it’s not that we are not making headway, it’s just our own perceptions that stray our focus. We place drastic pressure on ourselves to perform and achieve, that consequently it creates a wall that no matter how high we climb we come back down again. The intensity of the stress and pressure forms a blockage to peace and serenity.
We wonder why we’ve become so frustrated and keep going round in circles with our issues; but if we could only sit down to assess our lives from the right perspective. Furthermore some of us try to be master and captain in our ships by trying to control everything on our own, when this life is about learning the trick of when to let go and when to hold on. The need for control can pose a series of challenges and not forgetting the tension caused for those around you.
Incorrect perceptions, ungodly associations, unbroken soul ties and undealt with negative emotional issues can lead you to believe lies and rob you from seeing the beauty that lies before you. They can keep you from attaining your destiny because they keep you in the here and now, but never propel you to your future.
As powerful as these walls may appear, they can be broken, they can be penetrated if you would open yourself up to thoroughly interrogating these issues under divine light. This process require you to embrace the truth even if it’s not what you would like it to be. Remember that the truth frees you whilst lies bind you, and that’s what matters at the end of the day.
It’s not too late to rise up and dismantle that which is aiming to take you under. It’s not unreachable nor unattainable but if you would only believe then it is certainly possible. Seek help, seek genuine counsel and you will see the all the difference that it will make.
Love T