Oghomwen (Owen) Jones
There is no healthier substitute for water. Some of this liquid’s benefits is that it hydrates, keeps us healthy, and helps us lose weight.
It is recommended that men drink 3.7 litres and women about 2.7 litres of water/fluids a day.
Drinking sufficient water each day ensures that our body temperature is regulated, our joints are kept lubricated. Water also aids the delivery of various nutrients to our body’s cells and keeps our organs functioning properly. A well-hydrated body, is also beneficial for quality sleep, exercise and other activities.
You should never wait to be thirsty before drinking. By the time you experience thirst, you are probably already dehydrated. And may have lost as much as 1 to 2 percent of your body’s water content.
Water helps the foods that we consume, move along our digestive tract which is essential for our optimal wellbeing. It is the fluid through which waste is removed from our bodies as urine and sweat.
Water can contribute to weight loss by suppressing our appetite and boosting our metabolism. When I have eaten and still feel hungry, I often wait a while and will drink water first. Only if the dissatisfied feeling persists will I eat more food. Water usually quells this feeling.
Are you one of those who does not like that water has no taste, and so would rather opt for the several fizzy and fruit drinks, etc. available? I am hoping that some of the water benefits, that I have mentioned here, will motivate you to start drinking more water.
For those who really struggle with water, perhaps you can try infusing some of your water with fresh fruits. Citrus fruits like oranges, limes and lemons together or separately make a refreshing addition to water. Berries like blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries also make a delicious water based drink. After I finish drinking the naturally flavoured water, I often eat the berries and flesh of the citrus fruits, rather than throwing them away.
There just is no substitute for water, indeed it is the elixir of life.