If you ponder the question, “who am I, really?”, how would you answer? Would you answer with what you do for a living? Or with a role that you play (wife, mother, father)? Or maybe with something else you have accomplished in your life?
I believe that we are much more than all these things. Yes, they are all important parts of who we are, but we play a much more important role in the world. After a whole lot of work and introspection, the question has shifted for me from “who am I?” to “whose am I?” My answer – “I am a daughter of the King.” What could be better than that? The only thing that is eternal is our relationship with Jesus. Beauty fades. Jobs and titles change. Relationships diminish. Loved ones pass away. Children grow up. Nothing other than God should be the determining factor of who we feel that we are.
It’s a relief to know that I’m not defined by what I do or have done because that might just be a hot mess. Instead, I am defined by what Jesus did for me on the cross. I don’t have to strive to do or be something extraordinary by the world’s standards. I already am something great by just being. I am thankful to have come to this realization in my life and hope to inspire others to get there as well.
“I will be a father to you and you will be my sons and daughters to me”, says the Lord Almighty – 2 Corinthians 6:18
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