Have you ever taken the time to look around you and bask in the goodness of God? Contemplate everything he has done for you. When you think of God’s goodness, the phrase that comes to mind is “I’m blessed.” While we say the words “I’m Blessed,” we do not fully tap into the blessings that God has waiting for us. There are seeds of greatness that lay fallow inside of us because we never take the time to step out in faith and expect God to do the extraordinary. We may think and feel blessed, but do we actively live a blessed life?
It’s easy to get bogged down in the ruts of our lives and stay in the same routine that we have always practiced. There is no striving to be all that God has envisioned us to be. Being blessed has become a concept instead of an action. When we step out of the mold and into the blessed life that God has in store for us, we can clearly see there is more to life than just the ruts. We will never know this vista if we never leave the ruts if we never dare to live blessed.
When Jesus was preaching to the multitudes, the sermon would become known as The Beatitudes; Jesus was not shy in saying that blessed are…fill in the blank (You can read this sermon in Matthew 5:1–12). He knew that God blesses those who faithfully serve him with all their hearts. Why have you been living in the ruts? God has declared you blessed. The beautiful things that God has in store for you will take you by surprise. All you need to do is have faith that what God promises he will fulfill and start living blessed, knowing that all things are possible with God.